Friday, 14 March 2025

Reaver Titan No. 3641 - Pyric Nemesis, Legio Atarus

Certificate Number: 0003641
Titan Name: Pyric Nemesis
Pattern: Mars Pattern Reaver Titan
Primary Armament: Volcano Cannon, Laser Blaster and Apocalypse Missile Launcher
Mordain Hekthar
Titan Legio: Legio Atarus
Battle Maniple Composition: Reaver (3641)

Owner: Ryan H.
Location: Hampshire UK
Comments: After seeing and speaking to other members of the club during the Titan Walk at Warhammer Fest back in 2023 and lurking on the socials since, I’ve finally taken the plunge and got my first titan.  I’m very excited to get started on the process of putting it together. 

Stamping on a Rhino as it strides into war

Drilled out barrels reduce weight
Undergoing the Rites of Construction at great pace
Sub-assemblies before the Rites of Construction conclude
Rites of Purification complete, awaiting the Rites of Construction

Boxes of o'resin joy

Titan Owners Club

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Warlord Titan No. 1230 - Nazerick, Legio Honorum

Certificate Number: 1230
Titan Name: Nazerick
Pattern: Mars Pattern Warlord Titan
Head Unit: Mars Beta
Primary Armament: Sunfury Plasma Annihilator; Mori-Quake Cannon; Arioch Power Claw; paired Laser Blasters 
Princeps: #CLASSIFIED#
Titan Legio: Legio Honorum
Battle Maniple Composition: 
Warlord (857); Warlord (1230); Reaver (3728) 

Owner: Alex B.
Location: Cambridgeshire, UK
Legio Honorum Walks! Warlord Nazerick (on the left of the pict capture)

Titan Owners Club

Saturday, 8 March 2025

Warlord Titan No. 857 - Aincrad, Legio Honorum

Certificate Number: 857
Titan Name: Aincrad
Pattern: Mars Pattern Warlord Titan 
Head Unit: Mars Alpha 
Primary Armament: Belicosa Volcano Cannon; Mori-Quake Cannon; Arioch Power Claw; Apocalypse Missile Launchers 
Princeps: #CLASSIFIED#
Titan Legio: Honorum
Battle Maniple Composition: Warlord (857); Warlord (1230); Reaver (3728) 

Owner: Alex B.
Location: Cambridgeshire, UK
Legio Honorum Walks! Vassal Knights and Warlord Nazerick (L) and Warlord Aincrad (R)

Titan Owners Club

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Warlord Titan No. 2313 - Vengeful Scion, Legio Defensor

Certificate Number: 2313
Titan Name: Vengeful Scion
Pattern: Mars Pattern Warlord Titan
Head Unit: Mars-Alpha
Primary Armament: Mori-Quake Cannon; Sunfury Plasma Annihilator; paired Apocalypse Missile Launchers
Princeps: Mattias Bask
Titan Legio: Legio Defensor
Battle Maniple Composition: Warlord (2313); Reaver (3377); Warhound (8240); Warhound (8213)

Owner: Andy B.
Location: Cheshire, UK
Fantastic contrasting orange plasma glow
A beautiful striking scheme
The orange contrasts nicely with the green, whilst the black and white bring the scheme together.
Congratulations to Princeps Andy for completing his God Engine!

Metallic basecoat on
Progress being made

Titan Owners Club

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Mars Warhound Titan No. 6771 - Est in Horto, Legio Mortis

Certificate Number: 6771
Titan Name: Est in Horto
Pattern: Mars Pattern Warhound Titan
Primary Armament: Plasma Blastgun; Vulcan Megabolter
Princeps: Caecilius
Titan Legio: Legio Mortis
Battle Maniple Composition: Warhound (6771)

Owner: Matt M.
Location: Scotland, UK
Comments: Scaled up paint scheme of my most successful (in terms of Engine kills) Adeptus Titanicus Warhound. Also known by the nickname 'Stripey' within my gaming group. Built and painted by myself over the space of a year with reinforcements in the form of a Reaver titan incoming.
Est in Horto Walks for Legio Mortis!

Princeps and Moderati

Titan Owners Club

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Mars Warhound Titan No. 7724 - The Dog of Zhao, Legio Xestobiax

Certificate Number: 0007724
Titan Name: The Dog of Zhao
Pattern: Mars Pattern Warhound Titan
Primary Armament: 1x Turbolaser Destructor, 1x Inferno Cannon
Princeps: Orpham Guestinius
Titan Legio: Legio Xestobiax
Battle Maniple Composition: Warhound (7724)

Owner: Hank M.
Location: Texas, USA

Monday, 24 February 2025

Mechanicum Heavy Support Box Review

The new Mechanicum heavy support boxset goes up for preorder and with it some great heavy support options to expand on the growing range of plastic Mechanicum units. As always, a big thanks to Games Workshop for providing us a free review copy. 

The Thanatar Calix and Karacnos tank are variants of the Thanatar Cavas and Triaros, respectively, we saw with the initial release of the plastic Mechanicum, meaning these will already be familiar kits in a way. The chassis of both models are the same, only changing out a sprue or two for the new kits. The Karacnos tank can be modeled with the mortar bays opened or closed.

Switching to the bipedal, the Thanatar Calix comes with two different poses for the legs and arms, with multiple options for the claw. The main weapon is slightly moveable if it’s not glued into the chassis. Rules for the Calix allow you to upgrade one Thanatar in a squad to the Calix, swapping its infantry killing plasma mortar for the deadly las weapon that will punish even the heaviest of armor. You can also take a Thanatar Calix ias a single unit and upgrade it to some tasty rules using the paragon of metal upgrade. 

The Karacnos assault tank can lob a massive blast round that with flesh-bane, shell shock and pinning will make any infantry squads quiver. The lightning lock weapons on the side with rending, shred, and exo-shock adds versatility to the Karacnos. 

The entirely new (in plastic) model in the box is the Krios tank, which can be built in one of three variants:

  • the strike tank with a larger blasé version of the lightning lock weapon on the Karacnos
  • the Venator for your dedicated anti-armor which gives you 4 shots at S 9, AP 2 and ordinance, and 
  • the new variant we saw released in the Martian civil war campaign book, Irradiator which gives you either the very large hell-storm flame template weapon profile with flesh-bane and rad-phage or a 16" beam weapon with similar profile. 

While the Krios is a nice addition to the boxset, anyone wanting to fill out an entire squadron of tanks will have to wait for individual release as buying multiple boxsets of the heavy support box is not feasible as the Thanatar Calix is limited to one per squadron and the Karacnos isn’t a squadron vehicle.